
FunCPU - Test Module

Below a simple tester module is depicted. It is designed to facilitate the testing of other modules. 

It has one incoming databus of 16 bit width. Each of the lower eight Leds of the two ten segment Led bars corresponds to one bit in the databus. The upper two Leds of the led display on the left hand side, are as follows:
- The uppermost Led should be on, whenever the most significant bit of the left outcoming databus is connected to the ground.
- The Led below is on to denote that the least significant bit of the same outcoming databus is connected to the power supply.
The two uppermost bits of the Led bar on the right hand side indicates whether we are in clock phase 1 or 2.
The content of the outcoming databus on the left hand side can be manipulated with the two red DIP switches. This bus may also be used to provide power supply to other modules linked to the tester. In such case, the switches designated with the plus and minus signs should be set to their respective position. Recall, this can be checked by looking at the status Leds of the left hand side Led bar.
The data on the other bus on the right hand side can also be given with the 2 Dip switches (one blue and one red). There are however, two special bits on this bus. Bit 10 and 16 represents Clock 1 and Clock 2 respectively. All the other bits can be used and set arbitrary.
The red button next to the 74Hc14 Schmitt trigger is used to move from clock phase 1 (i.e. Clock 1) to clock phase 2 (i.e. Clock 2).
I hope that with this very simple module I will be able to test - among others - the register module, which is planned to be implemented next.


FunCPU - Entering Expressions

FunCPU - Clock Generator

Construction of FunCPU has begun with the clock generator. The module is already fully functional on its own, but space is left for incorporating more components for the EPROM chips storing the micro-program and for some control logic.

An 555 is used to generate the base for the clock signals. There are two options to manipulate the clock frequency. A trimmer potentiometer is used to fine tune the frequency within two ranges selected by the right switch. In one position the base clock frequency ranges roughly from 1.4 Hz to 64 Hz, which can be used for debugging, in the other position this covers the interval from 14.5 Khz to 47 Khz, which is suitable for normal operations.
A 74HC74 is used to ensure the following:
whenever the two-phase clock starts:- it starts with phase 1
- it starts with full cycle
- signals when two-phase clock starts
furthermore the duty cycle is guaranteed to be roughly 50%.
A 74HC161 fed by the two-phase clock is applied to generate micro-sequence (from 0 to 3).
A 74HC02 is used as an RS flip-flop to debounce the Edit/Run toggle switch.and also to enable/disable clock signals.
The LED-bar is used for debugging and can be turned on/off by the left switch.
not used
not used
US0least significant bit of the micro-sequencer
US1most significant bit of the micro-sequencer
CLK2phase 2 of the master clock
CLK1phase 1 of the master clock
RUNbright, if in Run mode
EDITbright, if in Edit mode
CLK RUN   to indicate whether clock is enabled
CLKMaster clock with half of the frequency of the base clock

 The following BUS  ("B6") is impelemted on the board:
EDIT_OUTCLK2  not usedCLK1not used
US0US1not usednot usedRUN_INEDIT_IN
not used

RUN_IN and EDIT_IN are the incoming signals (with prell) representing Run or Edit respectively. Whereas RUN_OUT and EDIT_OUT are the debounced signals. The rest of the signals are described above along with LED indicators.

Finally, we can see the clock generator in action. Before the clicking noise, FunCPU is in "Edit" mode, therefore clock is basically idling. When Run/Edit toggle is switched to "Run" position, then at the next clock cycle the clock generator starts to operate as indicated by the the blinking LEDs.